
Fidia kwa ardhi iliyotwaliwa kwa manufaa ya umma kulingana Sheria za Ardhi

FIDIA YA ARDHI NI NINI. Fidia ya ardhi ni stahili ambayo mwenye ardhi mmiliki anatakiwa kupata pale ambapo ardhi yake inatwaliwa/inachukuliwa na serikali kwa matumizi maalum ya serikali/umma. JE UNAWEZA KUIKATALIA SERIKALI ARDHI YAKO ISICHUKULIWE ? . Serikali inapotaka kumhamisha mwananchi na kuchukua ardhi yake kupisha mradi wa umma kisheria mwananchi hana uwezo wa kukataa. Hii ni kwasababu ardhi yote ni mali ya umma ambayo mdhamini wake mkuu ni serikali kupitia mamlaka ya rais. Hivyo tunaweza kusema kuwa ardhi ni mali ya umma inayodhaminiwa na serikali/rais. Kwa hiyo mwananchi hawezi kuikatalia serikali kuchukua mali hiyo isipokuwa kisheria ni kuwa anayehamishwa apewe fidia.  Hata ukiamua kwenda mahakamani kupinga kutwaliwa ardhi hautapinga kuwa serikali isichukue ardhi yako kabisa, isipokuwa utapinga kuhusu fidia, labda fidia ndogo au utaratibu mbovu uliotumika kukadi


FAHAMU MISNGI YA SHERIA YA ARDHI YA TANZANIA Ifuatayo ni misingi halisi ya ardhi kama ilivyoainishwa kwenye mwongozo wa ardhi wa kitaifa (sera) na kutafsiriwa na sheria mbalimbali za nchi: i. Ardhi yote ni mali ya umma na imekabidhiwa kwaRaisi kama mdhamini (msimamizi) mkuu kwa niaba ya watanzania wote; ii. Kulinda haki zote za miliki za ardhi zilizopo, yaani miliki ya ardhi ya kimila na ile ya kiserikali; iii. Kugawa ardhi kwa haki na kwa raia wote wa Tanzania; iv. Kudhibiti kiasi ambacho mtu mmoja au taasisi yaweza kumiliki na kutumia kwa mahitaji yake bila kuwaathiri Watanzania au wanajamii wengine; v. Kuwezesha utumiaji endelevu wa ardhi katika shughuli za kiuzalishaji kwa manufaa ya wote; vi. Kuhakikisha kwamba maslahi yeyote katika ardhi yana thamani na yanalindwa katika muda wowote wakati wa mapatano yanayoweza kuathiri thamani ya mmiliki; vii. Kulipa fidia kamili na kwa wakati kwa mtu yeyote ambaye haki miliki ya ardhi yake inafutwa, inabadi

Express and Implied Rights and Duties of Employee Under Employment and Labour Relation Act

Express Rights and Duties  The express rights and duties in a contract of employment are provided by the parties expressly in the contract of employment. Worth remembering is the fact that express rights and duties may either be written or oral depending on the type of the contract. Matters such as leave, salary, overtime, hours of work, job description, job title, holidays, sick pay, pension, notice, confidentiality, restraints, disciplinary and grievance procedure, are covered by the express terms. In most cases these contents are provided in standard form to the employees with little room for negotiation.  However, the various sources of express terms could include a formal contract, a letter of appointment, a statutory statement of the main terms and conditions, oral statements made prior to the contract and even the job advertisement.  Note:  1. It should be noted that express statements become part of the contract only if they were made prior to the contract and

Haki na Wajibu wa Mtoto kisheria kulingana na sheria ya Mtoto ya Mwaka 2009

Maana ya Mtoto  Kwa mujibu wa Sheria ya mtoto ya mwaka 2009(The Law of Child Act) na Mkataba wa Kimataifa wa Haki za Mtoto wa mwaka 1989 (Convention On the Rights of Child) , mtoto ni kila banadamu aliye chini ya umri wa miaka 18 kulingana na kifungu cha 4(1) cha Sheria ya Mtoto Ya mwaka 2009  Sababu za kuwa na ulinzi wa haki za mtoto ni pamoja na;  ➣ Watoto ni binadamu, wana haki sawa;  ➣ Watoto hawana sauti ya kujisemea au hawana uwezo wa kupigania haki zao wenyewe;  ➣ Kuwepo kwa wimbi kubwa la ukiukwaji wa haki za watoto mfano ukatili dhidi ya mtoto, utesaji na ubakaji Sheria ya Mtoto Namba 21 ya Mwaka 2009 inashughulikia haki za watoto Tanzania. Sheria hii inajumuisha mambo mbalimbali ya kukuza, kulinda, na kuhifadhi ustawi wa mtoto; masharti ya unajibishaji wa mtoto aliyezaliwa nje ya ndoa; masuala ya kulea, kuasili na uangalizi. Pia inatoa maelekezo na masharti yanayohusu mtoto anapokuwa katika mgogoro na sheria.  Sheria hii inatumika kutetea masuala yote

Justifiable reasons for termination under labour law

TERMINATION OF EMPLOYMENT Termination means the act of bringing a contract of service to an end. It must be understood that this is due to procedures other than disciplinary measures. When a contract is brought to an end through disciplinary measures it is called dismissal. Therefore the points of determination here is otherwise than the ones governed by the Security of Employment Act. This is because the Employment Ordinance is not concerned with disciplining the employees but the Security of Employment Act deals with disciplinary matters. Termination of employment should only take place in cases of serious or repeated misconduct, when the employer is justified in concluding that the misconduct has made the employment relationship intolerable to be continued. When considering whether a termination for misconduct is fair, the chairperson should consider the following; 1. Whether the employee contravened a rule or standard regulating conduct relating to employment. 2. If


IN THE HIGH COURT OF TANZANIA AT DAR ES SALAAM CIVIL APPEAL NO. 114 OF 2002 ALLAN T. MATERU APPELLANT/APPLICANT VERSUS AKIBA COMMERCIAL BANK RESPONDENT RULING ORIYO. J The applicant, Allan Materu, sued his former employer, Akiba Commercial Bank, for special and general damages arising from termination of employment. The claim filed at the Kisutu Resident Magistrate's court as Civil Case No. 70 of 2001 was determined in favour of the respondent. The applicant was dissatisfied and filed Civil Appeal No. 114 of 2002 against the trial court decision. The Memorandum of Appeal contained two complaints against the trial court decision:- 1. That the trial court erred in deciding that the termination of the appellant's employment had no connection with the criminal case facing the appellant. 2. The trial court erred in deciding that it was not mandatory for the respondent to suspend the appellant while facing criminal charges.  Parties were grante


DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS v ELIATOSHA MOSHA AND ANOTHER 1984 TLR 28 (CA) Court Court of Appeal of Tanzania - Mwanza Judge Nyalali CJ, Mustafa JJA and Kisanga JJA November 28, 1984 CRIMINAL APPEAL 24 OF 1983  B   Labour Law - Employment Ordinance - Complainant driving and keeping respondent's taxi and retaining 20% of earnings - Whether relationship of Employer and employee existed to attract prosecution for breaches of the Employment Ordinance.  C   [zHNz] Headnote This is a second appeal by the Director of Public Prosecutions and it concerns a case in which the respondents were charged in the District Court at Mwanza for breaches of certain provisions of the Employment Ordinance, Cap. 366, and the Regulation of Wages and Terms of Employment  D  Ordinance, Cap. 300 and the Workmen's Compensation Ordinance, Cap. 263. Detailed facts appear in the judgment. Held: To enable the court to decide satisfactorily whether, on the facts, there existed in l